Friday, January 14, 2011


I don't really do swim drills, I just try to swim with the most correct swim stroke all the time. I only have so much time in the water and rather than breaking down my workout to warm-up, drill set, pre-main set, main-set, drill set, cool-down, I just try to combine it all into one or two really really big sets. Once per week, I go to a masters workout and get all of that. Lately, I've been looking for bubbles when I swim. Bubbles equate to trapped air in the water. And if you have trapped air between your hands and the water, well, that's less water when you are pulling. Every now and then when I'm swimming, I'll pop my head up or move my head around to follow my stroke, and I look for bubbles. I need to improve my left arm, specifically during the breathing cycle. Now I just need to rotate just a tad more, finish my stroke a bit more, and stop moving my head up and down (something I've been doing since I was 12). I'm including a link to a video analysis of Jodie Swallow's swim stroke, it's good stuff!


Beth said...

Love both videos! When I first learned how to swim, my instructor talked about the bubbles a lot. Bad bubbles!!

JC said...

This doesn't currently apply to me because I'm not swimming! hahaha BUT I always found quite a few of the drills pointless when you are swimming on your own because if no one is there to correct you, you could be repeating the same mistake over and over again, which would become habbit and could potentially lead to a horrible stroke! I should maybe think about going back to the pool one day!

Furacán said...

Very interesting!

Teresa said...

Where did you come up with all those bubbles!! More finger tip entry. :)


Libby said...

90 strokes/minute?!?! geez. I'm probably half that. ha. love the point about the bubbles, never heard that. I've been working on my stroke a ton since the last video I posted on my blog and I feel like I'm doing so much better but I'll have to get an underwater camera and take another look. I've seen such a difference in just stopping moving my head all over the place.
1:10 per 100 m? wow. um, nope. can't do that :)

jameson said...

i have never heard about the "bubbles" either! looking forward to my next swim and searching for the bubbles... I am sure they won't be hard to find.

Charisa said...

Good stuff! I've never heard this before. :)