Noun: Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulnes.
met·tle /ˈmetl/
Noun: A person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way.
Kiet will demonstrate his true mettle as he tries to prepare for IM Canada armed with gumption and a bit of moxy.
I came upon the word gumption on Meredith Kessler's blog. Given her string of bad luck, I thought I would find an ally in Meredith and see how she might be dealing with her predicament. When I saw the title of her most recent post, I immediately knew I came to the right place. Moving forward, I covet these two words as I prepare for Canada. Thank you to all of my supporters for still believing in me, and encouraging me to keep up the least one more time.
Recovery was oh-so easy. I wanted to swim, bike, and run the following day but I knew better. When I step back and go outside of myself, it's wild to think that I just swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran a marathon just last weekend--and both physically and mentally, I was jonesing to start back up this past week. Instead, I started back up on Sunday, with a nice and tapered feeling during the swim workout, and carried that feeling to a nice bike ride. Thank you to my PacWest teammates for the great company!
YES!! I am a big MBK fan, mostly for her amazing attitude and positivity! Same reason I am a big Kiet fan too!!! Watch out Canada!! :)
The ride looks beautiful!
EXACTLY what Beth said! Hugs!
LOVE it!! and beth hit it right. we are all kiet fans for the same reason we are mbk fans!
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