Sunday, June 16, 2013

To All of You Moms and Dads...

To all of you moms and dads out there, I wanna give you some major props. I got a little taste of your world when I had my niece (7 years-old) and nephew (6 years-old) stay with me for 48 hours. During this 2-day period, I went from being 99% sure that I do not want kids, to a perfect 100% nay to kids. Though I don't doubt that I would make a great parent, I'm so glad that I can choose not to be a parent. Simply put, I don't want to be that selfless.

From the minute the kids woke up, to the time they fell asleep, my life was all about them. Physically, I felt drained as if I had a long training day, but my muscles did not get any stronger, and I did not get any fitter. Mentally, I was fatigued as if I competed in an ironman, but my body did not produce any chemical mood enhancers like endorphins. And the anxiety! When I'm walking down a street alone or with my friends, I'm not anxious about any of us being silly and running into the street and getting hit by a car (well, most of the time). I was anxious when we walked on the streets, anxious when we were taking the subway, anxious in crowds, life just seemed so much more dangerous. I had help with the kids, and I kept thinking, hell no could I do this alone. I have no doubt that I would have gotten better at parenting, but at the end of the day, my life would be significantly different than what it is now. I have a deeper appreciation for my brother and sister, who are amazingly devoted parents. But I also have a deeper appreciation for my dad, who is still alive, for not only wanting to have me, but for also happily raising me in this world. In fact, if my dad could have it his way, all the children would still be living with him in one huge house, and he would cook for us all. The man is selfless in this way. To be a parent is to be selfless in a way that I just cannot grasp. But I must admit that as exhausted as I was after the kids left, I did find myself missing them later that night...but not enough.


Michelle Simmons said...

It isn't all hard all the time! And sometimes we get selfish and drag our kids out to the middle of the ocean on a surfboard to hang out while we drink beer. :)

I bet they love you as Uncle!

Steve said...

I babysat a new born a long long time ago, and decided then and there to never have kids. Definitely not my thing either.

I married into having a step kid, and that is a story for another day.

Betsy said...

Funny...I had 2 kids this weekend and I went to 100% yes, please on the kid thing. I even got up at 530 in the morning on Saturday to run before they were out of bed. Of course, I wasn't going the single parent thing like you were. I will admit I was pretty proud at the end of the weekend when noone got lost, went unfed or died :)