Sunday, February 24, 2008

Still @ 95%

I've been living at about 95% of my full healthy self since my last posting.  My ears are still plugged and my throat is sore enough that it makes chewing and swallowing uncomfortable.  At this rate, I may be at my marathon race weight, 119 lbs., by next week.  I haven't been at that weight since 1999 or so.  Every time I think I have it bad, I hear about someone who has been sick even longer than me.  This sinus infection/flu thing is wicked.   I couldn't wait for myself to reach 100% health so I started training this past week.  I stayed away from the pool because my sinuses are still bad and flip turns and water wouldn't be a good idea.  I've been out of the water for close to 3 weeks now, I can't remember the last time I was out for this long; that first workout back is going to suck. Just my luck that once I was ready to train again, the weather, which has been really nice, decided to take a turn and it's been raining all week.  I did three workouts on the trainer of 40, 60, and 70 minutes.  All base stuff doing single leg drills and keeping my cadence at 90 rpm while going in and out of tougher gears.  Deciding to do weights again this year has rewarded me with feeling really strong on the bike.  I snuck in two 40 minute runs, the second of which I regret.  The weather for the second run was stormy, with rain and wind pelting me and I felt my cough start up again.  Curious to see what the consequence of this run will be.  I'm starting to feel pessimistic about being ready for the 12k road race on March 16. I'm sure I'll be OK for the XTERRA race on March 30.  I just added some info on how to live a bit more carbon neutral onto the VERDE section of my website:  I'll be offsetting my carbon footprint using the Terrapass to balance out my travels from training and racing.  

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