Monday, January 11, 2010

New Season, Same Team

Though I'm going on sabbatical and am moving to Australia, I'll be racing for Team PacWest abroad and when I return. Thank goodness for affirmative action, I fulfill the person of color quota. We just launched our new website. If you're bored or if you are looking for bootcamps or a training group, give the site a look (shameful plug) Looking at this team pic, it makes me realize the last time I posed for a pic like this was back in high school. And no, I didn't order the individual shot on a button to send to grandma. On the training front, this week was marked by both mental and physical fatigue. Almost every workout was slower than usual and a lot of motivation was required. I don't know how you long course people do all this volume. But I managed to get in every workout except one weight session. Sunday's brick run started ugly. Four miles into the the nine mile run, I was averaging 7:55 pace and mentally not into it. I tried the I am grateful to be healthy, exercising, doing what I love game, but it wasn't working. Then it dawned on me, this is the true ironman workout. This is exactly how I'm going to feel during the marathon, mentally and physically fatigued. This is an ironman-specific workout so take advantage of it. And this worked, and I started to pick up the pace, work on the form, and work on the mental outlook. I set a goal to finish this run averaging my goal marathon pace, 7:20-7:30. The miles ticked by and the average pace dropped. I ended up running 10 miles at 7:17 pace, now I just have to do this for 16 more miles.


Charisa said...

Hang in there - sounds like you're doing awesome. There are days when the "I'm lucky to be alive, healthy, etc" just doesn't cut it for me either. You are right though - IM training is hard. But you will be more than ready come race day!

IAN said...

Dude, I am impressed you made the back row. But why did they put that GIANT right in front of you?